
Many sites have reduced the family to the subfamily Diervilloideae in a loosely defined Caprifoliaceae s.l.
However a lot of sites and authors still use Diervillaceae.
A number of species come from China and Flora of China uses Diervillaceae.
Some Australian sites, and Gardening Australia’s Flora’ use Diervillaceae.

Diervillaceae had 2 genera:

Diervilla has 3 species from N. America.
 They are suckering shrubs with yellow bilabiate flowers on the current years growth.
 This genus gives the family its common name of Bush honeysuckle.

Weigela, from Japan and east Asia has 10 species with white, pink or red flowers on last season’s growth.
 The genera have been moved round a number of times and some Weigelia species were previously in Diervilla.

