3 Arcyriaceae

Amoebozoa > Class Myxogastria > Order Trichiida > Family Arcyriaceae.

Arcyriidae is one of the 4 families of true plasmodial slime moulds.
Arcyria is one of the 5 genera in the family.
There are 50 Arcyria species.

The fruiting bodies may be directly attached or on a stalk.
Spores are in a fruiting body that is enclosed by a wall.
The capillitium (sterile fibres in a fruit body) is tubular.
Fruit bodies can be white, red, yellow or mauve.
Sometimes the tubes are short so the fruit bodies are almost spherical.

Arcyria cinerea is one of the most common slime moulds.
The white fruiting bodies are 1 to 3 mm high and around 1 mm wide.
The tip is rounded.
