4 Ceratiomyxaceae

Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa – Coral slime.

It is seen variously classified:
Kingdom Protozoa > Phylum Amoebozoa > Myxomycetes > Ceratiomyxaceae.
Domain Eukaryota > Phylum Amoebozoa > Class Protostelia > Order Protosteliida > Family Ceratiomyxidae.
Phylum Myxomycota > Order Protosteliales > Family Ceratiomyxaceae.

There are 4 or 5 species of Ceratiomyxa.
They are widespread and have a fruiting body known as Coral slime.

They are found on decaying wood and in groups up to a metre or more in size.
The plasmodium is thin, usually translucent or white and is covered in mucous.

Fruiting bodies develop over a few hours.
The basic form is a white, translucent, finger-like column up to 1 mm wide and 10 mm high.
Sometimes there are clusters of columns, the columns may branch and these may join forming a net.

White spores develop on the sides of the columns.
In Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa each spore is on a thin stalk.
