White trumpet lilies

Lilium species and hybrids.

Some, such as Lilium candidum, L. martigan and L. longiflorum, are still sold under
    their species name but many plants seen are hybrids.

Hybrids are divided into groups based on their appearance.
These include the American, Asiatic,
    euro-Caucasian, Longiflorum, Martagon, Oriental, Trumpet and Other types of hybrids.

Commonly seen are the Asiatic, Oriental and Trumpet types.
Hybrids include a huge array of colours and patterns, dwarf plants that can be grown in pots and doubles.
In Brisbane most flower from September to December and some around March.

White trumpet shaped lilies.
There are a number of species and many hybrids with white trumpet shaped flowers.
Species include L. candidum, L. speciosum, L. formosanum and L. longiflorum.
Some have narrow trumpets others are more open.
Some are pure white or cream, others have a yellow flush at the base or a yellow line.

Lilium candidum.
The Madonna lily is native to Europe but is naturalized in many regions.

There is a basal rosette of leaves in winter which dies in the summer.
Stems are from 1.2 to nearly 2 m high.
They are covered with scattered, glossy dark green leaves.
The trumpet shaped flowers, up to 8 cm long, appear in summer.
There can be up to 20 flowers along the upper part of the stem.
They are white with yellow tints in the throat.
Candidum hybrids can be red or yellow with dark spots.

Lilium longiflorum.
Known as the Christmas or November lily in Australia it has large, creamy white flowers.
It is the Easter lily in the northern hemisphere.
Longiflorum hybrids are mostly from Lilium longiflorum and Lilium formosanum.

Scattered leaves are narrow to medium width.
The medium to mostly large trumpet shaped flowers are pure white.
There are usually only a few flowers on each stem.
The tepals have smooth edges and are slightly reflexed.
