
Malpighiaceae family.

The family has 60 to 65 genera with about 1,200 species of trees, shrubs and lianas.

The simple, oppositely arranged leaves usually have stipules and branched hairs.
There are often 2 large fleshy glands on the petiole or leaf.

Inflorescences are terminal or axillary.
Flowers are on a stalk which has 2 bracteoles anywhere on it.

The flowers are bisexual and the perianth is in 2 whorls.
There are 5 sepals whose bases are sometimes joined.
The outer surface of the sepals usually have 1 or 2, large or small fleshy glands.

There are 5 petals whose bases may be fused.
Petals have clawed bases and fringed edges.

The 10 (5) stamens in 2 (1) whorls sometimes have fused bases.
Some stamens may be infertile staminodes.
Anthers open inwards via longitudinal slits or pores.

The superior ovary has 3 (2-5) carpels that are free or fused and some may not develop.
Each has 1 style and there is one ovule per locule.
Fruits are of various types – schizocarp, samara, drupe or nut.

