Limonium sinuatum

Limonium sinuatum.

The Wavy leaf sea lavender was previously known as Statice sinuata.
They are evergreen clump forming annuals or perennials.
Leaves, up to 12 (16) cm long and 1 to 3.5 cm wide are all in a basal rosette.
They are on a petiole that is shorter than the blade.

The blades have a tapering base that runs onto the petiole as wavy wings.
The grey-green oblong to lance-shaped blades have lobes that extend almost to the midrib (pinnatifid).
The around 5 rounded lobes on each side alternate with each other.
The tip of the terminal lobe has an abrupt point around 2 mm long.

Branched terminal inflorescences are on a stiff erect leafless stem (scape) 50 to 70 cm high.
The upper section is branched with nodes 2 to 4 or 5 cm apart.
At each node the 2 roughly equal branches are at right angles.
The scape and all branches have 3 to 5 wings up to 3 mm wide.
Wings have a wavy edge with stiff white hairs up to 1.5 mm long.

Most forks have 2 or 3 linear leaf-like bracts.
These are up to 8 cm long and 0.5 cm wide at the lower nodes.
Those at the upper nodes are 0.5 to 1 cm long.

The terminal branches are small dense spikelets with 1 to 3 flowers.
The flowers have hairy bracts at the base.
The outer bract is narrowly triangular often with a bristle-like tip.
One inner bract is wider and the others are like the outer bract.
The bracts, sometimes with 2 or 3 teeth have stiff white hairs all over.

The narrow calyx tube 7 mm long expands to a limb that is 6 mm across.
The limb edge is irregular with no distinct lobes (erose).
The 5 nerves do not reach the rim and there may be tiny hairs on the tube.
The base is white and the upper section is mauve or purple.

The corolla, around 1 cm long has a tubular base and 5 spreading white lobes.
Cultivars have yellow, purple, mauve or pink flowers.

The 5 stamens insert near the base of petals.
Dorsifixed anthers open through longitudinal slits.
The oblong white ovary, of 5 fused carpels has 1 locule with 1 ovule.
There are 5 free styles with small stigmas.
The fruit, around 5 mm are utricles (small, dry, thin-walled inflated fruit with 1 seed) which are similar to an achene.

Three subspecieds are recognised:
    Limonium sinuatum subsp. beaumierianum,
    Limonium sinuatum subsp. romanum and
    Limonium sinuatum subsp. sinuatum.
