Rosa ‘Red Cascade’

Rosa ‘Red Cascade’.

Classified as a climbing rose with Floribunda type flowers.
Parents were Magic Dragon x (Rosa wichurana x Florador).

Canes, with many side branches can be up to 1 (2) m long.
There are scattered prickles on the stems.
Most leaves have 5 leaflets while some have 7.
The stipules are mostly fused to the petiole with only short free ends.
There are glandular hairs (prickles) on the edges of the fused sections.

There are simple hairs on the upper surface of the grooved petiole.
Between the leaflet petiolules is a small clump of glands and simple hairs.
Leaflet edges are toothed.

There are masses of flowers on the many side branches along the stems.
On pedicels with prickles, they are solitary or in small clusters.
The double to fully double flowers, up to 3 cm across have 15 to over 30 petals.
The velvety petals are a deep red.
There are some flowers on the plant all year.
