Psychotria fitzalanii

Psychotria fitzalanii.

In Family Rubiaceae they are found along the north and central Queensland coast.
They are usually seen as 2 to 3 m high shrubs but sometimes as small trees.
The opposite leaves are ovate to elliptic and on petioles.
The blades are up to 6.5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide.
The lateral veins can be faint.
The stipules protecting the terminal leaf buds are only 2 mm long.
The stems and leaves are not hairy.

Terminal inflorescences are branched clusters of flowers.
Flowers, with parts in 5’s are about 8 mm wide.
There are small bracteoles near the top of the hairless flower stems.
The sepal bases are fused into a short tube with tiny teeth.
The corolla tube is around 1.5 mm long with lobes 2.5 mm long.
The lobes, with pointed tips, curve back slightly.
There are very short hairs on the outer surface of the sepals and petals.
The upper part of the corolla tube inside has longer, dense white hairs.

The stamens insert into the upper part of the corolla tube.
The mauve anthers are around 1 mm long and the filaments 0.5 mm.
The anthers lie among the hairs in the mouth of the corolla tube.

At the base of the corolla tube is a pale cream nectiferous disc around the style.
The white style is up to 5 mm long with a white 2-lobed stigma.
The inferior ovary develops into a drupe around 6 mm across.
Each drupe usually has 2 seeds.
